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Just a normal guy trying to do some amazing things.

Monday, March 9, 2009

5 minutes for blogging...

So...have you ever had one of those times where you've felt like writing and not really knew what to write? That's where my mind is at right now, so if this seems kind of random, please excuse me.

Chris Brown and Rihanna - So, I come into my room and turn on the television, and see that CNN is on. What disturbed me, was seeing 4 panelist arguing...not over Obama rescinding the bands on stem cell research....not over the withdrawl of troops in Iraq...but over Chris Brown, and Rihanna. Really CNN? Y'all couldn't find anything better to talk about? Wow. Where is this world headed?

Who Watches the Watchmen? Saw The Watchmen on thursday night...again on sunday. I happened to really like it, and it made me really want to see the movie. The story line was way deeper than I thought it would be. I thought the character arcs/development was very deep. The movie was basically a study of human nature, and I thought they did a great job.

Constantine...so I had an experience the other night...totally crazy. Had three "dreams in a row" that kinda had me shook. The third dream was the creepiest. Had just said a prayer for a peaceful sleep because of the prior 2 dreams, and as soon as I feel asleep...I felt like I woke up and couldn't move at all...couldn't open my mouth...etc. I felt like something was beside the bed, and I heard something talk in my ear. It felt like a demon presence, and it freaked me out. I actually got up and got in the bed with Mom...the first time I had done that in almost 15 years. I did some research on occurences like that, and came upon sleep paralysis. It said something about your body putting itself in paralysis while in REM sleep mode. It said sometimes your conscience wakes up but your body is still sleep, so essentially you're paralyzed. It mentioned that in a lot of cases, the person experiences hallucinations, and a feeling of weight on your chest etc. Basically all of the things I was experiencing. Interesting phenomenon. I wanna learn more about it, but I don't wanna scare myself lol.

anyway...love my baby...catch y'all on the flip....

feel me?

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